, Increasing sedentary lifestyles and changing dietary habits play a major role in the development of obesity in childhood and adolescence. Obesity in childhood is a significant risk factor for various non-communicable diseases occurring in adult life,, , which is growing rapidly worldwide. Influence of socio-economic status on lifestyle preferences contributing to childhood obesity: A cross-sectional study. How to cite this URL: Gupte PA, Giramkar SA, Bhalerao SS. How to cite this article: Gupte PA, Giramkar SA, Bhalerao SS. Keywords: Childhood obesity, food beliefs, physical activity, socioeconomic status Conclusion: Children from middle SES school with maximum prevalence of overweight displayed poor dietary choices, average food beliefs, and habits pressing the need for aggressive strategies for obesity prevention. Surprisingly, activity profile from middle SES school was significantly better as compared to other schools. Middle SES school had maximum children with high waist circumference and body fat percentage along with high frequency of unhealthy food consumption. Results: Of 424 total recruited children, obesity prevalence was the highest in high SES school children (10.49%) while overweight prevalence was high in middle SES school children (18.11%). Distribution of children into different weight categories and data regarding unhealthy food consumption frequency and food beliefs is expressed in percentages. Statistical Analysis: Parametric data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation, whereas nonparametric data are expressed as median (range).

Anthropometry and body composition along with dietary choices, food beliefs, and physical activity was recorded using predesigned questionnaires. Children of either sex, aged 9–14 years were recruited after obtaining parental consent and verbal assent of children. Materials and Methods: Following approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee, the study was conducted in schools representing high, medium, and low SES in Pune. Settings and Design: School-based, cross-sectional, observational study.

Aims: This study was undertaken to study the influence of SES on lifestyle preferences, namely dietary habits, food beliefs, physical activity, and their contribution to childhood obesity in school children of Pune city. DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_485_20 Abstractīackground: Socioeconomic status (SES) is the major determinant for lifestyle preferences in individuals, contributing to development of metabolic diseases like obesity.